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Financial Statements and Tax Returns

The end of the financial year is your big moment—the culmination of all your hard work and achievements! Every decision you’ve made and every step you’ve taken throughout the year comes together in one final report. It’s an important time, and getting it right matters. That’s where we come in. At Vivid Accounting, we’re here to make sure your year-end financials are flawless, so you can step into the spotlight with total confidence. Leave the details to us—we’ve got your back!

Financial statement preparation

We prepare your financial statements to let you know how well your business performed and to support your tax returns to Inland Revenue.

Income tax return filing

Provisional tax advice

We let you know how much tax to pay and when to pay it so that you don’t get caught short with your tax payments.

Why Choose Vivid Accounting?

At Vivid Accounting, we make your financial success our top priority! We’re not just about crunching numbers.
We’re about supporting you with expertise and care.


Our team comprises seasoned professionals who understand the intricacies of financial and tax preparation inside out.

Tailored Solutions

Recognising that every client’s needs are unique, we provide customised services designed to maximise benefits and minimise liabilities.

Strategic Insight

Having worked with a diverse clientele, we bring a wealth of industry knowledge to the table, offering not just services, but strategic advice to propel your business forward.

Compliance and Optimisation

We ensure that your financial statements and tax returns are not just compliant with the latest regulations but are structured in a way that benefits you most.

A Business Partner that Makes a Vivid Difference

Renowned for our astute professionalism, flawless track record and our proactive approach to accounting, our eyes are well-honed to spot and highlight any areas we see that are in need of improvement or concern. 

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